Puzzle Answers - Belt Line - The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Saturday Puzzle November 22, 2014 (SPOILER ALERT!)
Get the solution to this week’s Journal Saturday Puzzle
1. Authentication of a will = PROBATE
Intensity = VIGOR
Blow the whistle = TELL
___ City (name for heaven in “The Pilgrim’s Progress”) = CELESTIAL
Playlist components = SONGS
2. Place with pastoral charm (2 wds.) = GARDEN SPOT
Spy who infiltrates = MOLE
Point of view = ANGLE
Bind with a cord = LASH
Captured criminal? (2 wds.) = MUG SHOT
3. Minivans from Kia = SEDONAS
Estate units = ACRES
Call a radio show (2 wds.) = PHONE IN
Address for a king = SIRE
Rouses (oneself) = BESTIRS
4. Happy expression = GRIN
Weary motorist’s stop (2 wds.) REST AREA
Casting director? = FISHER
Getting back = RECOUPING
5. Word following “Ye” = OLDE
With good cheer = GAILY
Work-out-the-kinks iteration (2 wds.) = TRIAL RUN
Deep cuts = GASHES
What “Twilight” vampires do in sunlight = SPARKLE
6. Rapidity = HASTE
Denounce bitterly (2 wds.) = RAIL AT
Drawback = DOWNSIDE
Bandit drove one in “Smokey and the Bandit” (2 wds.) = TRANS AM
Iconic role for Ingrid = ILSA
7. Mafiosi’s enemies = FEDS
Hester Prynne portrayer of 1995 (2 wds.) = DEMI MOORE
James Taylor’s musical genre (2 wds.) = SOFT ROCK
John Hughes comedy that takes place at Christmas (2 wds.) = HOME ALONE
A. “A rolling stone gathers no moths,” for example = MALAPROPISM
Candle’s light = GLOW
Crowe’s “A Beautiful Mind” character = NASH
Quarter pound of butter = STICK
Early Civil War battle for Grant = SHILOH
B. Weather report numbers = HIGHS
Somewhat (3 wds.) = TO A DEGREE
“Sighted sub, ___ same” = SANK
“Really Useful Engine” of children’s books = THOMAS
Items put in frames = LENSES
C. Makes people obey, as a law = ENFORCES
Immodest swimsuit = THONG
Sliding part of a lock = BOLT
Flat replacement = SPARE
Star bearers = GENERALS
D. Polar masses, for short = BERGS
Concerning (3 wds.) = IN REGARD TO
Naval rank just above commodore (2 wds.) = REAR ADMIRAL
Very much (2 wds.) = A LOT
E. Insect’s end point? = STINGER
One raised on the coast? (2 wds.) = SAND CASTLE
Oxy target = ACNE
Prepared to throw a punch (2 wds.) = HAULED OFF
F. Vacate the premises = LEAVE
Cold shower? = SLEET
Too early or too late (Hyph.) = ILL-TIMED
“Strangers With Candy”star Amy = SEDARIS
Police pursuit sound = SIREN
G. Singer who plays Prince’s rival in “Purple Rain” (2 wds.) = MORRIS DAY
Celeb’s Twitter followers = FANS
Making a choice = OPTING
Play boisterously = ROMP
Formal speech = ORATION
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