Saturday, November 29, 2014

Puzzle Answers - Laddergram - The Wall Street Journal Saturday Puzzle - November 29, 2014 (SPOILER ALERT!)


The Journal Saturday Puzzle - November 29, 2014 - Wall Street Journal

a cryptic puzzle by Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon
edited by Mike Shenk



1. Express delight in wedding ring (4) = GRIN
weddin(G RIN)g

4. Material influenced by audition (5) = SUEDE
influenced by [HOMONYM] = SWAYED

5. Left standing by altar area, run out (5) = LAPSE
(L)eft + altar area = (APSE)

10. Deity sheltering cold snowbird (5) = JUNCO
deity = (JUNO) + (C)old

11. God of the Italians involved in slick foolishness (6) = IDIOCY
god of the Italians = (DIO) + slick = (ICY)

12. Passing boat recreation area (4) = PARK
(P)assing + boat = (ARK)

15. Bush changed places for connecting flights (4) = HUBS
bush [ANAGRAM]

16. Cheese a moron processed (6) = ROMANO
a moron [ANAGRAM]

17. Miles from Hollywood, carrying Kingsley’s flower (7) = VERBENA
Miles from hollywood = (VERA) + Kingsley (BEN)

19. Annoying teacher performed show (6) = DIDACT
performed (DID) + show = (ACT)

20. Transfer $100 in bit of business (5) = DECAL
$100 = (C) + bit of business = (DEAL)

21. Guys start to use list of options (4) = MENU
guys = (MEN) + start to (U)se

23. Full of enthusiasm, superstar singer returned (4) = AVID
superstar = (DIVA) [REVERSED]

25. Radiation-powered rocket loaded with last of fuel (5)= SOLAR
rocket = (SOAR) + last of fue(L)

26. Zip outfit with stylish provenance (6) = ORIGIN

28. Mimic an agitated little shooter (7) = MINICAM
mimic an [ANAGRAM]

29. Screenwriter’s mobile phone found outside of Denver’s terminal (6) = EPHRON
(PHONE) + Denve(R)'s [LAST LETTER]; Nora Ephron

31. Wrap one secured from behind (4) = TOGA
one = (A) + secured (GOT) [REVERSED]

33. Patch up rats (4) = DARN

34. Sacking buddy, rub the wrong way (6) = BURLAP
buddy = (PAL) + RUB [REVERSED]

35. Employed strong emotion in high definition (5) = HIRED
strong emotion = IRE + high definition = HD

36. Restorative rest and facial treatments in retreat (5) = SLEEP
facial treatments = (PEELS) [REVERSED]

37. Linger around a Thai appetizer (5) = SATAY
linger = (STAY) + A

38. Wild West worry (4) = STEW


1. Firearm king’s sticky matter (4) = GUNK
firearm = (GUN) + (K)ing

2. Strange reverie about third-rate home theater equipment (8) = RECEIVER
(REVERIE) + third-rate = (C) [ANAGRAM]

3. Hero not doing much for listeners (4) = IDOL
not doing much = IDLE [HOMONYM]

6. Dodo bird unable to fly in relief (7) = AIRHEAD

7. Small town’s post office stuff in a basket (6) = PODUNK
post office = PO + stuff in a basket = DUNK

8. South Caribbean island diver’s gear (5) = SCUBA
(S)outh + (C)aribbean

9. Seeing things empty, for sure (4) = EYES
(E)mpty + for sure = (YES)

10. Back among Navajo, drink from an urn (4) = JAVA

12. Cat turned out of bed by mom (4) = PUMA
out of bed = (UP) [REVERSED] + mom = (MA)

13. Tooth broken by you in Berlin is in uniform sections (6) = MODULAR
tooth = MOLAR + you in German = (DU)

14. Shape beginning of creative past in cave dwelling (7) = DECAGON
beginning of (C)reative + past = (AGO) + cave dwelling = (DEN)

18. Container holding large pancake (4) = BLIN
container = (BIN) + (L)arge

19. Lucy’s partner’s different side (4) = DESI

21. Handcuff guy with beer holding cup (7) = MANACLE
guy = (MAN) + (beer = (ALE) + (C)up)

22. Reference covering gear for rockers in tent venue (8) = CAMPSITE
reference = CITE + gear for rockers = AMPS

24. Character flipped wig in disgusted outburst (6) = FIGURE

27. Country I governed (4) = IRAN
I + governed = (RAN)

28. Big wheel in mound of snow (5) = MOGUL

30. Crowd was informed in speech (4) = HERD
informed in speech (HEARD) [ANAGRAM]

31. Checks pills (4) = TABS

32. Great pressure in front of lid (4) = PHAT
(P)ressure + lid = (HAT)

33. Beaver’s dad going retro with tie (4) = DRAW
Beaver's dad = WARD [REVERSED]



Sunday, November 23, 2014

Puzzle Answers - Nothing for Christmas - Harper's Magazine December 2014 (SPOILER ALERT!)

Puzzle Answers to Harper's Magazine December 2014 - Nothing for Christmas

Puzzle Author, Richard Maltby


1. (See instructions) = HORSE FEATHERS
12. Peter Fonda played this title-role for miniscule effect = ULEE
13. Septet takes smaller combo (Latin) in C-sharp = VITRIOLIC
14. (See instructions) = BALDERDASH
15. B-b-b-b-bugs = BEES
17. No article on Angela Merkel, e.g., can be something infectious = GERM
18. Nucleoli, etc., circulating around, top to bottom line, like some debts = UNCOLLECTIBLE
21. Vegetable with water dripping from the ears = LEEK
22. I could make binge begin—either way, that's life = BEING
23. (See instructions) = APPLESAUCE
28. General admission into fleets = LEE
30. Not loud, more than just a broadcaster = AIRER
31. Inexperienced Tory upset = TYRO
32. What's wrong with getting a new leader? That's the point = PRONG
34. Great: get back sheep before they're shorn = TEGG
35. (See instructions) = POPPYCOCK
36. Take weekend off? Or minute? = WEE
39. Eyeliner that sounds kind of black = KOHL
41. Lead-free clothing gets hearing = EAR
43. (See instructions) = EYELASH
44. Consumer appliance with the front removed = EATER
45. Revolution counters macho street gangs = TACHOMETER
46. Forward or behind in the outskirts of Sydney = SASSY
47. (See instructions) = TOMMYROT

1. (See instructions) = HUMBUG
2. Look up study of the past = OLDEN
3. Distributor of beer (Coors) decentralized things old-timers played on = REBECS
4. Staging comeback, Hooters opens for part of the year = SEASON
5. (See instructions) = FIDDLESTICKS
6. Tees off for hot times at the Fontainebleau = ETES
7. Liquor secreted in barracks = ARRACK
8. Coming up: make an issue out of current event = TIDE
9. Hero, he goes around a soldier in pursuit of love = HOAGIE
10. Wrapped in towel? Seems otherwise = ELSE
11. (See instructions) = SCHMEGEGGE
16. Physical condition that is largely misunderstood = ALLERGY
19. (See instructions) = BILGEWATER
20. A porgy, sir, swims in bands in the water = SPIROGYRA
24. High-fliers, expert in French and appearing in nightwear = PROPJETS
25. Acid that helps make you rich = URIC
27. Have dinner in a doorway in a suit? = ENTREATY
29. Long time in one hospital room, then another, brings more itching = EAGERER
30. Pippin, opening canceled in its limited programs = APPLETS
33. Boy or hoof, none of them end well, and I'm sad = BOOHOO
37. It used to be contracted as belonging to an old airline? = ALAS
38. Outcome of democracy: being blue = RACY
40. Good actor? Bad actor, I'd say! = HAMM
42. Name-dropping dadaist, formerly = ERST

**Underlined words indicated in the parsed clues are the definition of the answer**

1. (See instructions) = HORSE FEATHERS

12. Peter Fonda played this title-role for minuscule effect = ULEE
minuscule effect = ULEE

13. Septet takes smaller combo (Latin) in C-sharp = VITRIOLIC
septet = 7 [ROMAN NUMERALS] = (VI) + smaller combo = (TRIO) + (L)atin + (I)n + (C)-sharp

14. (See instructions) = BALDERDASH

15. B-b-b-b-bugs = BEES

17. No article on Angela Merkel, e.g., can be something infectious = GERM
Angela Merkel = (GERMAN) + no(–) + article = (AN)

18. Nucleoli, etc., circulating around, top to bottom line, like some debts = UNCOLLECTIBLE
(nucleoli etc [UNCOLL-ECT-ILE] + top to bottom [B])  [ANAGRAM]

21. Vegetable with water dripping from the ears = LEEK
water dripping = LEAK [HOMONYM] = ears [E]

22. I could make binge begin—either way, that's life = BEING
binge [ANAGRAM]; begin [ANAGRAM]

23. (See instructions) = APPLESAUCE

28. General admission into fleets = LEE

30. Not loud, more than just a broadcaster = AIRER

31. Inexperienced Tory upset = TYRO
tory [ANAGRAM]

32. What's wrong with getting a new leader? That's the point = PRONG

34. Great: get back sheep before they're shorn = TEGG
((G)reat + GET) [REVERSED]

35. (See instructions) = POPPYCOCK

36. Take weekend off? Or minute? = WEE

39. Eyeliner that sounds kind of black = KOHL
kind of black = COAL [HOMONYM]

41. Lead-free clothing gets hearing = EAR

43. (See instructions) = EYELASH

44. Consumer appliance with the front removed = EATER

45. Revolution counters macho street gangs = TACHOMETERS
macho street [ANAGRAM]

46. Forward or behind in the outskirts of Sydney = SASSY
behind = ASS + outskirts of Sydney = (S)ydne(Y)

47. (See instructions) = TOMMYROT

1. (See instructions) = HUMBUG

2. Look up study of the past = OLDEN
Look, Reversed = ko(OL) + Study = DEN

3. Distributor of beer (Coors) decentralized things old-timers played on = REBECS
Beer [ANAGRAM] = (REBE) + [Coors – oor] = (CS)

4. Staging comeback, Hooters opens for part of the year = SEASON

5. (See instructions) = FIDDLESTICKS

6. Tees off for hot times at the Fontainebleau = ETES
tees [ANAGRAM] = ETES; "Summer" in French

7. Liquor secreted in barracks = ARRACK

8. Coming up: make an issue out of current event = TIDE
make an issue out of = EDIT [REVERSED] = TIDE

9. Hero, he goes around a soldier in pursuit of love = HOAGIE
he = (HE) + soldier = (GI)

10. Wrapped in towel? Seems otherwise = ELSE
towel seems = ELSE

11. (See instructions) = SCHMEGEGGE

16. Physical condition that is largely misunderstood = ALLERGY

19. (See instructions) = BILGEWATER

20. A porgy, sir, swims in bands in the water = SPIROGYRA
a porgy sir [ANAGRAM] = SPIROGYRA

24. High-fliers, expert in French and appearing in nightwear = PROPJETS
expert = (PRO) + French "and" = (ET) + nightwear = (PJS)

25. Acid that helps make you rich = URIC
yo(U RIC)h

27. Have dinner in a doorway in a suit? = ENTREATY
have dinner = (EAT + Doorway = ENTRY

29. Long time in one hospital room, then another, brings more itching = EAGERER
long time = (AGE) [PUT INSIDE] hospital room = (ER) + another "hospital room" = (ER)

30. Pippin, opening canceled in its limited programs = APPLETS

33. Boy or hoof, none of them end well, and I'm sad = BOOHOO

37. It used to be contracted as belonging to an old airline? = ALAS

38. Outcome of democracy: being blue = RACY

40. Good actor? Bad actor, I'd say! = HAMM
Jon (HAMM); Bad actor = HAM

42. Name-dropping dadaist, formerly = ERST
Dadaist = (ERNST) – (N)ame = ERST

Puzzle Answers - Belt Line - The Wall Street Journal Saturday Puzzle November 22, 2014 (SPOILER ALERT!)

Puzzle Answers - Belt Line - The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Saturday Puzzle November 22, 2014 (SPOILER ALERT!)

Get the solution to this week’s Journal Saturday Puzzle


1. Authentication of a will = PROBATE
Intensity = VIGOR
Blow the whistle = TELL
___ City (name for heaven in “The Pilgrim’s Progress”) = CELESTIAL
Playlist components = SONGS

2. Place with pastoral charm (2 wds.) = GARDEN SPOT
Spy who infiltrates = MOLE
Point of view = ANGLE
Bind with a cord = LASH
Captured criminal? (2 wds.) = MUG SHOT

3. Minivans from Kia = SEDONAS
Estate units = ACRES
Call a radio show (2 wds.) = PHONE IN
Address for a king = SIRE
Rouses (oneself) = BESTIRS

4. Happy expression = GRIN
Weary motorist’s stop (2 wds.) REST AREA
Casting director? = FISHER
Getting back = RECOUPING

5. Word following “Ye” = OLDE
With good cheer = GAILY
Work-out-the-kinks iteration (2 wds.) = TRIAL RUN
Deep cuts = GASHES
What “Twilight” vampires do in sunlight = SPARKLE

6. Rapidity = HASTE
Denounce bitterly (2 wds.) = RAIL AT
Drawback = DOWNSIDE
Bandit drove one in “Smokey and the Bandit” (2 wds.) = TRANS AM
Iconic role for Ingrid = ILSA

7. Mafiosi’s enemies = FEDS
Hester Prynne portrayer of 1995 (2 wds.) = DEMI MOORE
James Taylor’s musical genre (2 wds.) = SOFT ROCK
John Hughes comedy that takes place at Christmas (2 wds.) = HOME ALONE


A. “A rolling stone gathers no moths,” for example = MALAPROPISM
Candle’s light = GLOW
Crowe’s “A Beautiful Mind” character = NASH
Quarter pound of butter = STICK
Early Civil War battle for Grant = SHILOH

B. Weather report numbers = HIGHS
Somewhat (3 wds.) = TO A DEGREE
“Sighted sub, ___ same” = SANK

“Really Useful Engine” of children’s books = THOMAS
Items put in frames = LENSES

C. Makes people obey, as a law = ENFORCES
Immodest swimsuit = THONG
Sliding part of a lock = BOLT
Flat replacement = SPARE
Star bearers = GENERALS

D. Polar masses, for short = BERGS
Concerning (3 wds.) = IN REGARD TO
Naval rank just above commodore (2 wds.) = REAR ADMIRAL
Very much (2 wds.) = A LOT

E. Insect’s end point? = STINGER
One raised on the coast? (2 wds.) = SAND CASTLE
Oxy target = ACNE
Prepared to throw a punch (2 wds.) = HAULED OFF

F. Vacate the premises = LEAVE
Cold shower? = SLEET
Too early or too late (Hyph.) = ILL-TIMED
“Strangers With Candy”star Amy = SEDARIS
Police pursuit sound = SIREN

G. Singer who plays Prince’s rival in “Purple Rain” (2 wds.) = MORRIS DAY
Celeb’s Twitter followers = FANS
Making a choice = OPTING
Play boisterously = ROMP
Formal speech = ORATION